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Health Services

Health Services, General Information:

Please do not send your child to school if they:

  • Have a fever of 100℉ or above; students will be excluded until they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-suppressing medication
  • Diarrheal illnesses: students will be excluded until they are symptom-free for 24 hours without the use of diarrhea-suppressing medications
  • Vomiting, especially if accompanied by headache, fever, disorientation, stiff neck and sleepiness
  • Painful muscle spasms and stiffness of head, neck and jaw;
  • Undetermined rash over any part of the body; 
  • Undiagnosed scaly patches on the body or scalp; 
  • Red, draining eyes;
  • Open, draining lesions or wounds; 
  • Jaundice or yellowing of the skin or eyes;
  • Signs and symptoms that may indicate a communicable disease


Management of Acute and Chronic Health Conditions:

The NTMS nurse wants to ensure that the health problems of all scholars are safely managed throughout the school year.  It is very important for the nurse to have complete information for any illness or chronic health issue that will affect your scholar while at school. If your scholar has an ongoing health condition, please:

Request PCP orders before the school year starts and submit them as quickly as possible.  Specific medical action plans for asthma, severe allergies, seizure disorders and other conditions may be obtained through the nurse. 

Schedule a brief conference with the nurse to discuss your scholar’s health problems.  Complete a ‘Consent for Release of Medical Information’ form which will allow the nurse to communicate with your PCP should this be necessary.  Parents will be expected to provide diabetic supplies at school, including snacks.  

Diabetes  The Texas Health and Safety Code states that designated staff in addition to nurses shall be trained

To provide comprehensive care for scholars with diabetes as needed. These trained staff will follow a plan developed by the school nurse, physician and parents/guardians. Those students who demonstrate the ability to provide their own diabetic care will be allowed to do so if the physician and parent are in agreement. 

Food Allergies All school staff are required to receive annual training in the management of food allergies. Staff who interact daily with scholars who have food allergies will receive more specific training pertaining to that scholar.  For scholars whose PCPs allow them to self-carry Epipens, MISD requests that the nurse observe the scholar demonstrate the ability to do so by the first day of school.  MISD will also be maintaining a stock of Epipens for emergency use to any student whose parent has provided written permission on the student’s Health Information Form. 

Asthma/Other Respiratory Disorders  Scholars with asthma are asked to provide an asthma action plan for the nurse to refer to as well as rescue inhalers to be used if needed.  PCP’s will need to document permission for the student to self-carry rescue inhalers on the asthma action plan in order for students to do so.  Specific orders should be supplied to the nurse regarding other respiratory-related care a student will need at school.

Seizure Disorders  Texas law now requires that school staff complete a seizure education course.  Specific personnel will be trained in the use of safety devices such as vagal nerve stimulators as needed.  

Please contact your school nurse regarding questions on any of the above.